BLS Emergency Ambulance
$1489.93 plus mileage ($20/mile)
See Subscription Agreement ℹ
ALS Emergency Ambulance
$1733.39 plus mileage ($20/mile)
See Subscription Agreement ℹ
Wheelchair Van miles are free
$75 each way plus mileage
$50 each way / 1st 10 miles free
Dispatch & Evaluation
See Subscription Agreement ℹ
Lift Assist
6 Free per subscription year
CPR Training
No charge (2 household members)
*Rates are subject to change without notice.
Plum EMS Subscriber Agreement
Failure to adhere to the agreement will void your subscription with Plum EMS, resulting in your responsibility of the full amount of the ambulance charge. Retention of payments, from your insurer, designated as payment to PLUM EMS for services rendered, will result in legal proceedings.
Non Subscribers are responsible for the full amount of ambulance bills.
For additional details regarding subscriptions call 412-793-4801.
Subscribe (1 Year)
This option allows you to make one payment of $15 for an individual or $25 per household.
If you have any questions regarding the payment options feel free to call us during regular business hours at (412) 793-4801
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm